Shaw and Partners 20 Beaches Ocean Classic 2021

Congratulations to all participants in the Shaw and Partners 20 Beaches Ocean Classic, held on the weekend. With fantastic conditions, the organisers should be congratulated for such a well run event. Thanks to Dean Gardiner, Justin Ryan and all the 20 Beaches Foundation team including sponsors (Shaw and Partners, KPMG, Fitness First etc etc).
A special thank you to all Epic paddlers in the event. From the front pack right to the last in, there were plenty of Epics on the water having fun in conditions made for ocean paddling.
A particular shout out too to Luke Horder and the Sydney Harbour Surf Club. Not only was the club very well represented in the race (on Epics of course) but his decision to hold back some of his crew should be applauded. They will be out there next year surfing the runs but it is a testament to the professionalism of the Sydney Harbour Surf Club crew to acknowledge and prioritise safety at all times.
As for results, we are proud of the following Epic achievements:
• Nick Holt and Tim Jacobs - 2nd doubles
• Oscar Jones - 2nd under 23s
• Jonathan Crowe - 2nd ski over 50's
• Ant Deague - 3rd ski over 40's
• Maddy Hurst - 3rd ski open (5th overall)
• Sam Djordan and Oscar Jones - 6th and 7th overall
........Let me know if I have missed anybody out!
A huge thank you to the Melbourne Epic contingent - Jack, Ant, Maddy, Peter et al - so good seeing you in Sydney after quite some wait.
Until the next event, happy paddling.
Photography - with thanks, Allan Coker